EP 102 – Year In Review: 1993

1993 was both the kickoff to a new album cycle and the end of an era for Billy Joel. River of Dreams came out in August, and was certified three times platinum by the end of the year. It was preceded by what was now a well-oiled publicity machine, and followed immediately by a world tour. 

But, the album was his last release of new pop songs. As such, it would be the last time Billy would run this playbook. Fortunately, we remember it well. This was the one album where we both were old enough to hear about it before its release, buy it the day it came out, follow the media hype and television appearances, and even see him on tour promoting the album.

For us, then, exploring this year in Billy history is also an opportunity for us to remember our own experiences with the album — and how different the media landscape was 30 years ago. 

So join us as we dig deep into Billy Joel’s 1993.


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Produced by Michael Grosvenor & Jack Firneno for Groove Music Marketing