EP 062 – Billy Joel 1980-1984 TV Appearances (Part 1)

By 1980. Billy Joel was ready for prime time. Starting with a feature on 20/20 during the lead up to Glass Houses,  he graduated  from just playing a song or two on a talk show to getting regular MTV spotlights, being the subject of news features, and appearing on morning shows for a week at a time. 

As Billy’s popularity reached its peak, he also honed his interview style. Over multiple appearances, he develops his stories, talking points and jokes, and refines them over time. 

The second half of the 80s would find him coasting on the new media personality he developed, even as his band, personal, and business relationships got rocky. But at the start of the decade, Billy was riding high on the small screen. 

Join us as we dig deep into Billy Joel’s television appearances from 1980 to 1984.

Watch the videos HERE.


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